Free Printable English Grammar Cloze Worksheet


Easter Missing Words Worksheet

Find the missing words in the egg below the paragraph and then write them in the blanks.

Extra challenge: Fold under the bottom part of the worksheet to hide the bunny and the words, and then try to fill in the missing words on your own!

Follow-up activity:
Find or write paragraphs about Easter and then create your own missing words puzzles by cutting or marking out every fifth word. Exchange and solve puzzles with your classmates.

Save a copy of the original paragraph as the answer key.

©Courseware Solutions for Free Printable K - 8 Worksheets



Easter Missing Words Worksheet

©Courseware Solutions for Free Online K-8 Worksheets


The White House Easter Egg Roll is an Easter tradition that began in 1878 under President Rutherford B. Hayes. He and his wife Lucy invited children to use the White House lawn after Congress banned children from using the Capitol grounds. In the mid-19th century children began gathering on the grounds of the Capitol to roll eggs. When Congress passed a law in 1876 banning the practice, President Hayes came to the rescue and started the traditional White House Easter Egg Roll. Each year on the Monday after Easter, children are invited to roll Easter eggs on the White House lawn. Tickets to the event, which is hosted by the President and the First Lady, are awarded by a lottery system. Pysanky are traditional Ukrainian Easter eggs. They are created by writing or painting wax on raw eggs, then dipping them into dye, then writing more wax, then dipping in a different color. Finally the wax is melted and removed to show the design. The world's largest Easter egg is located in Vegreville in the province of Alberta, Canada. The egg is more than 25 feet long, weighs more than 5000 pounds, and turns in the wind like a weather vane. Easter does not fall on the same date every year. It is the Sunday after the first full moon on or after the March equinox. The March equinox is the first day of spring in the Northern hemisphere. The Easter Bunny is a European tradition that came to the United States with German settlers. The Easter Bunny leaves baskets of candy for children on Easter morning and hides Easter eggs for them to find. Easter is second only to Halloween when it comes to eating candy! Traditional treats include chocolate Easter bunnies and eggs, jellybeans, and marshmallow Peeps, especially the yellow chicks. The beautifully decorated Ukrainian Easter eggs are known as pysanky. There are many different traditional designs for these eggs. Many are geometric, such as the circle or eternity band that goes around an egg. Easter eggs are not just colored eggs that the Easter Bunny hides. An Easter egg is also a term for a hidden message or inside joke in a computer program. Google and Microsoft both have many well-known Easter eggs. Some of the most beautiful and costly Easter eggs of all time were the jeweled Imperial eggs, created by the House of Faberge for the Russian Czars. These works of art were made of precious metals and gems. One well-known Google Easter egg, or hidden joke, is in the calculator. If you type "1+2" into the Google search box, the calculator displays 3. But if you search for "the loneliest number" the calculator displays 1! Easter Island is a South Pacific island that was named by a Dutch explorer who found it on Easter Sunday 1722. It is very far from any other inhabited land and is famous for the huge stone statues known as moai. The beautiful white Easter Lily is native to Japan, but today nearly all of the millions of bulbs that become potted Easter plants are grown on ten farms near the border between California and Oregon.

