- - - 1T R 2A P -
- 3C A R - P - 4S
- O - 5E A R T H
6S A V E - I - A
- L - 7S 8O L A R
- - 9E - I - - E
- 10S P I L L - -
- - A - - - - -
1. Stop from getting away or escaping - "Greenhouse gases ____ heat which makes the Earth warmer."
3. Automobile - "Walk or ride your bike when you can, instead of going by ___."
5. Our planet
6. Preserve, opposite of waste - "____ energy by turning off lights, TV's and computers when you aren't using them."
7. Related to the sun - "_____ power is energy that we get from the sun."
10. When something falls out accidentally - "Sticky black stuff from the oil _____ floated on the water and coated the feathers of a bird."
1. Forest, woods - "_____ help reduce greenhouse gases because they take in carbon dioxide and let out oxygen."
2. The month after March - "Earth Day is on _____ 22."
3. A fossil fuel that looks like a black rock.
4. Let others use or enjoy also - "We should _____ the Earth with all other living creatures."
8. A thick, black, liquid fossil fuel - "Much of the world's ___ comes from the Middle East."
9. Abbreviation for the Environmental Protection Agency, which enforces the laws that protect the environment.
- - - - 1E 2A R 3T H
- 4C A R - P - R -
- O - - 5G R E E N
- A - - - I - E -
- 6L 7O C 8A L - - -
9U - I - I - - - -
10S O L A R - - - -
1. Our planet
4. Automobile - "Walk or ride your bike when you can, instead of going by ___."
5. The color that is the symbol for the environment movement
6. Nearby, not far away - "Help the environment by eating _____ foods" and "Think _____, act global."
10. Related to the sun - "_____ energy is clean and renewable."
2. The month after March - "Earth Day is on _____ 22."
3. It has a wood trunk and absorbs carbon dioxide.
4. A fossil fuel that looks like black rock
7. A thick, black, liquid fossil fuel - "Coal, ___ and gas are non-renewable fossil fuels."
8. We breathe it so be careful not to pollute it.
9. Abbreviation for United States - "__ Senator Gaylord Nelson was the founder of Earth Day."
- - - 1R E 2U S E - -
3T R E E - N - - - -
- - - C - - - - 4A 5C
- 6B U Y - 7S U 8N - O
- L - C - O - 9U S A
10F U 11E L - L - C - L
12R E N E W A B L E -
I - E - - R - E - -
13E A R T H - 14W A R M
N - G - - 15A I R - -
16D A Y - 17T - N - - 18G
L - - - 19R E D 20U C E
Y - - - Y - - S - O
1. To use again: Reduce, _____, Recycle.
3. It has a wood trunk and absorbs carbon dioxide.
4. Abbreviation for air conditioning, which we should turn down to conserve energy
6. To purchase - "To reduce waste don't ___ things you don't really need."
7. Solar power uses energy from this.
9. Abbreviation for the country where the first Earth Day took place on April 22, 1970.
10. Source of energy - "Burning a fossil ____ produces pollutants and greenhouse gases."
12. Able to be used over and over again - "Solar and wind power are _________ energy sources."
13. Our planet
14. Hot, but not extremely hot - "Greenhouse gases trap heat, causing the Earth to ____."
15. We breathe it so be careful not to pollute it.
16. Opposite of NIGHT
19. To lessen: ______, Reuse, Recycle.
1. To repeat a cycle: Reduce, Reuse, _______.
2. Abbreviation for United Nations - "the 1972 __ Conference on the Human Environment"
5. A fossil fuel that looks like black rock
6. The color of the unpolluted sky
7. Related to the sun - "_____ energy is clean and renewable."
8. _______ power plants use the heat produced when the nucleus of an atom splits.
10. Like a friend - "Reduce, reuse, and recycle, to be environmentally ________."
11. Power - "Coal, oil and gas are non-renewable _____ sources."
14. Moving air - "Windmills use clean, renewable ____ energy to produce electricity."
17. Attempt - "___ to use environmentally friendly products."
18. Prefix that means "related to the Earth" - "___thermal power comes from the Earth's heat."
20. Abbreviation for United States - "__ Senator Gaylord Nelson was the founder of Earth Day."