Free Online Cryptogram Brain Game

Thanksgiving Cryptogram Comics Game

Some turkey gobbled this comic's text using a letter for letter substitution! Reverse the encryption to see the original words. Decoded letters will turn brown.

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No giblets, but there's an organ donor card.; 1; They won't be able to make giblet gravy with that bird. It's just that I would be more thankful if we had roast beef.; 2; Roast beef may not be as traditional as turkey - but it does taste great. You'd better get out of the sun, Ralph… looks like you're done.; 3; The turkey on the right is named Ralph. That was nice, but I don't want to make it a regular thing.; 4; Well, it did become a regular thing - at least on the 4th Thursday of November. He's got a point. Nobody eats a flamingo on Thanksgiving.; 5; You can probably guess the last word if you notice that it's capitalized. I don't feel very thankful.; 6; You can hardly expect a turkey to share that thankful feeling. I'd skip that one - it's gonna be all dried out.; 8; Tanning can be very drying! So you wrestled with Farmer Jones for control of the axe. What happened then?; 9; The testimony involves Farmer Jones. Your father doesn't believe in investing. He's been stuffing his money away somewhere; 10; People who don't believe in investing stuff their money under mattresses! I've discovered the reason for your short life expectancy. You're as tasty as all get-out.; 11; At least his short life expectancy isn't due to bad habits! Thanksgiving? Sounds great! But what's that got to do with my pet turkey?; 12; Who has a pet turkey?! Hey, why don't you go in and check on Jill. She's been in there quite a while.; 13; Their friend Jill seems to have disappeared! Ha, ha. This is all just, ha, ha, a BIG misunderstanding...; 14; The most common two-letter word here is a funny one. I see a future filled with bread crumbs.; 15; She sees kind of a crumby future for him! Maybe we're thankful but it's not like we're going to admit it...; 16; Cats are just too entitled to admit that they're thankful. I just don't get this generation...; 17; The older generation just never does get it. The Halloween stuff is out! Do you know what this means? DO YOU?; 18; Halloween stuff seems to appear earlier every year! And you know which holiday follows Halloween. I have this recurring dream about reclining on a bed of wild rice.; 19; Turkey on a bed of wild rice is a great dish - unless you're a turkey! You think YOU have a bad feeling about this...; 20; Turkeys aren't the only ones who have a bad feeling about Thanksgiving. I'm sorry, there was nothing we could do. Except, well, this of course.; 21; Sometimes nothing can be done, except have some turkey. Hold on...I want to post a pic of my "terrified" face...; 22; Give somebody a smartphone and all they can think of is posting a pic. And Farmer Brown gets nothing if I die under suspicious circumstances.; 23; I wonder what suspicious circumstances he might have in mind. I guess I'll text grace this year.; 24; Saying grace just isn't what it used to be. I'm keeping my Halloween costume on through November!; 25; Nice Halloween costume! All we're asking for is one day off a year, the 4th Thursday of November; 26; Hmmm...the 4th Thursday of November? If we're not careful, we'll all be eating green bean casserole.; 27; Actually, the green bean casserole was a 1955 Campbell Soup Company recipe. You get a call from this number about a busted oven, you're busy. Understand?; 28; You can't roast a turkey in a busted oven, can you?


