Free Online Cryptogram Brain Game

Christmas Cryptogram Comics Game

SOMEBODY stole the words from this Christmas comic and encrypted them with a letter for letter substitution. Reverse the encryption to reveal the original comic text. Decoded letters will turn red.

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Oh great - a flat.; 2; That reindeer on the ground looks a little flat! First artificial trees, now this!; 3; The speaker probably prefers a real, rather than an artificial, tree. Love the new scratching post.; 4; To the cat it's just one big scratching post! It's an x-ray of your spine.; 5; The picture is the result of a medical diagonostic test. Where do we keep the spare reindeer?; 6; It's actually a good question, since the sleigh doesn't have a trunk. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.; 7; The words are the lyrics of a popular Christmas tune. I hate when the elves help decorate the tree.; 8; Take a close look at the tree. Santa's helpers may have helped decorate it. I'm going to need to make multiple stops.; 9 …and that's why we don't lean on the glass.; 10 Man, I was a hybrid way before hybrids were cool.; 11; That's a hybrid car that's passing by. You played with it before you gave it to me, didn't you?; 12; Don't you hate it when the giver plays with your gift first? What? I thought it would help us blend in.; 13; They don't exactly blend in, do they? I don't think that's going to fit in the overhead bin.; 14; It's amazing what people try to jam into the overhead compartments. Look, if I could reach my wallet, I wouldn't need the auto club!; 17; Aren't auto clubs for when AUTOS get stuck? You're not dressing me in those old things again, are you?; 18; Well, how would you feel if you had to keep dressing in the same old things? I guess it wasn't a good idea to scale down just before Christmas.; 19 I think it's the belt, sir.; 20 Here's the bike I want. If you'll just fill in your credit card number we can take care of this right now.; 21 I don't believe it! Someone's trying to commercialize this!; 22


