Guess a Women's History name, term or phrase by filling in letters in order, one by one.
To help you out, there's a clue and the letters appear in scrambled order below. Do 3 to win.
Important people, events and things in Women's History
Nineteenth Amendment Constitutional change that granted women the right to vote (1920)
Amelia Earhart First woman to fly solo non-stop across the Atlantic Ocean (1932)
Sally Ride First American woman in space in 1983, following Valentina Tereshkova, the Russian cosmonaut, who was the first woman in space in 1963.
Mae Jemison First African American woman in space (1992)
Carol Moseley Braun First African American woman to be elected to the Senate and the first female Senator from Illinois (1992)
Eileen Collins First woman Space Shuttle pilot (1995) and first woman Space Shuttle commander (1999)
Sandra Day O'Connor First woman Supreme Court Justice (1981)
Nancy Pelosi First woman Speaker of the House (2007)
Hillary Clinton First woman to be nominated for president by a major U.S. political party (2016)
Frances Perkins First woman Cabinet Secretary when appointed Secretary of Labor by Franklin Roosevelt (1933), played a key role in the creation of Social Security (1935)
Madeleine Albright First woman Secretary of State, the highest ranking member of the Cabinet (1997)
Nellie Tayloe Ross First woman to be elected a state governor (Wyoming, 1925)
Shirley Chisholm First African American woman elected to Congress (1968)
Kamala Harris First woman Vice President of the United State, elected in 2020
Elizabeth Cady Stanton Early women's right activist, a founder of National Woman Suffrage Association in 1869, principal author of the Declaration of Sentiments
Susan B. Anthony Early women's right activist, founder of National Woman Suffrage Association in 1869, famously arrested for voting in 1872
Seneca Falls Convention First women's rights convention organized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott in 1848
Lucretia Mott Early women's right activist, with Elizabeth Cady Stanton organized the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848
Lucy Stone Early women's right activist and orator, an organizer of the National Woman's Rights Convention in 1850
Oberlin College, Ohio First American college to admit women and black students
Bloomer dress Mid-length skirt with pants style, replacing the conventional long skirt and corset, that became a symbol of women's rights in the early 1850s
Alice Paul Led the campaign for the 19th Amendment, continued to fight for women's rights, particularly the Equal Rights Amendment
Lucy Burns With Alice Paul formed the National Woman's Party (1913) and organized women's rights actions, spent more time in jail than any other suffragist
Harriet Tubman Escaped slavery to lead others to freedom, became an abolitionist and women's rights activist
Betty Friedan Led the second wave of American feminism as author of "The Feminine Mystique", co-founder of the National Organization for Women in 1966
Equal Rights Amendment Proposed equal rights for women, passed by Congress but ratified by the required 38 states only in 2020, long after the 1979 deadline
Rosie the Riveter A poster and movie image, inspired by a song, of women workers during World War II, which became a symbol of feminism and women's economic power
Women's suffrage The legal right of women to vote, which was finally secured with the passage of the 19th Amendment (1920)
Feminism The belief that women should have the same political, economic and social rights as men
Declaration of Sentiments Demand that women be granted the same rights and privileges as men, presented and signed at the Seneca Fall Convention in 1848
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