Ant arc ti ca
bliz zards
ce leb ri ty
clin ic
col o ny
cu ri ous
di rec tion
div ing
Em per or
en e mies
en er gy
feath ers
feath ered
fish er men
for mal
jack ets
o cean
op er a tion
pen guin
prog ress
scal y
sea birds
sea food
shuf fle
spe cial
spot ted
stom ach
sur prise
swim mer
tast y
tem per a ture
to bog gan ing
track er
treat ed
un der wa ter
wa ter proof
I live in *, near the South Pole, with all the other Emperor penguins.
During the winter, we face cold winds and *.
Happy Feet, my famous cousin, became a *.
They took him to the vet * at the Wellington Zoo.
Together the penguins form a *.
People all over the world were very * about the lost penguin.
I'm not the fastest swimmer in the world, but I can change * quickly.
My * skills are excellent.
* penguins are the largest penguins in the world.
Our black and white colors help us hide from our *.
This fat is like * that our bodies can burn to make heat.
Our black * gather more heat from the sun to warm us up a bit.
My mother kept me warm in her "brood pouch," a * skin flap just above her feet.
Maybe Happy Feet, the lost penguin, was picked up by some *.
Emperor penguins look like they're dressed in fancy jackets, ready to go to a * party.
Our black and white * help us hide from our enemies.
But when we're in the *, we have to watch out for sharks and whales.
He had to have an * to clear twigs and stones from his stomach.
Where does Pingo the * live?
People followed the penguin's * and came to the zoo to watch him be fed.
Penguins have layers of * feathers that give them a waterproof coat.
Big *, seals, and killer whales like to eat penguins.
I like to eat fish, squid, crabs and other *.
I have claws on my feet that help me grip the ice as I * along.
Penguins have very * ways of keeping warm.
The last time a penguin was * there was 44 years earlier.
They had to remove twigs and stones from his *.
Finding an Emperor penguin in New Zealand was a huge *.
I am a great * and spend a lot of time in the water.
Killer whales think we're pretty *.
We spend our whole lives in Antarctica where the * can drop down to -75°F.
Sliding on our bellies is just like * and is lots of fun!
Happy Feet wore a *, but it stopped sending signals 2 weeks after he was dropped off.
People came to the zoo to watch Happy Feet be fed and * by the doctors.
Penguins use their wings to help them swim faster *.
Penguins have layers of scaly feathers that give them a * coat.