Fun Vocabulary Spelling: Build Words from Syllables
St. Patrick's Syllables Game
3 words related to St. Patrick's Day have been broken into syllables and scrambled.
Use the clues at the bottom to put the syllables together to spell the 3 words.
Pick the FIRST syllable of one of the 3 St. Patrick's Day Mystery Words.
St. Patrick's Day Vocabulary Spelling Word Definitions
ban*shee: a Gaelic folklore spirit whose wails are a death warning
Bel*fast: The capital of Northern Ireland
bish*op: St. Patrick escaped Ireland as a slave, but returned as this type of church official (also a chess piece).
Blar*ney: Kiss this Stone to get the gift of gab
Brit*ain: St. Patrick's birthplace, even though he's the patron saint of Ireland
cel*e*brate: mark an event by doing something special
Celt*ic: Related to Celts, groups of people including Irish, Welsh, and Gaelic, and their language
clo*ver: A shamrock is the three-leaf type of this plant, the four-leaf type is lucky, they say
Dub*lin: The capital of the Republic of Ireland
Em*er*ald: ____ Isle - Ireland's nickname, due to its lush green landscape
Er*in: An old, poetic name for Ireland
Eir*e: The Irish name for Ireland
fam*ine: a terrible shortage of food
Gael*ic: related to the Celtic people of Ireland and Scotland
Hi*ber*ni*an: related to Ireland
hol*i*day: a special day to celebrate like St. Patrick's day
Ire*land: Saint Patrick is the patron saint of this country.
I*rish: What everybody is on St. Patrick's Day
leg*end: a well known traditional story
lep*re*chaun: a mischievous Irish folklore elf that hides a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow
mis*chief: playful misbehaviour, trouble
mis*chie*vous: naughty, like a playful troublemaker
pa*rade: people marching to celebrate, wear your green hat when you join one of these on St. Patrick's Day
Pat*rick: He's a saint and March 17 is his day.
pa*tron: St. Patrick is the ____ saint of Ireland - he is its special guardian.
poo*ka: a scary mischievous spirit of Irish folklore that sometimes appears as a dark horse
po*ta*to: A blight destroyed this very important crop resulting in the Great Famine.
rain*bow: The leprechaun's pot of gold is at the end of one.
sham*rock: The three-leaf clover that's a symbol for Ireland
shep*herd: Somebody who herds sheep, as Saint Patrick did in his youth
shil*le*lagh: a strong thick stick used as a club
sym*bol: an image that stands for something, as the harp is the symbol for Ireland
tra*di*tion: beliefs and customs that are handed down from the past