a bil i ty
ab sorb
ac ci dent
ac cused
ar rive
al though
as tron o my
av er age
bal ance
ban ner
bor der
cli mate
de fend
dis cuss
con sid er
con so nant
con ti nent
cu ri ous
dan ger ous
di a gram
dis a gree
ex plore
fa mous
greed y
hab it
in sect
in tend
en e my
e mer gen cy
en vi ron ment
ex er cise
fac to ry
grav i ty
hab i tat
i den ti fy
la bel
lo cal
lo cate
men tion
mes sage
nerv ous
no tice
in stru ment
in tel li gent
mag nif i cent
nec es sar y
nurs er y
ob serve
o cean
per form
plan et
pre dict
pre vent
re quest
re view
op po site
pred a tor
priv i lege
re mem ber
re spon si ble
sci ence
shel ter
sug ar
sup port
sur vey
sep a rate
so lu tion
suit a ble
treas ure
tri umph
wag on
wed ding
wis dom
ter ri ble
the o ry
ther mom e ter
un a ble
vis i tor
vol un teer
She has great natural *.
A towel will * the water.
He opens the wrong door by *.
She * me of being lazy.
When did the train *?
We played a good game, * we didn't win.
* is the study of planets, stars and outer space.
His height is *, not tall but not short.
Do the two sides of the scale *?
The school name is printed on the *.
The river is the * between the two states.
A major environmental problem is * change.
The soldiers * their fort.
Let's * our plan to raise money.
I will * your suggestion.
A letter that is not a vowel is a *.
Asia is the largest *.
I am * about what happened to them.
Riding without a helmet is *.
Draw a * to solve the problem.
I * with you, but that doesn't mean I don't like you.
Spanish ships came to * the New World.
She was thrilled to see the * singer.
The * king kept all the gold.
It's a good * to wash your hands often.
An * has six legs.
What do you * to do?
He's your friend, not your *.
If it is an *, find an adult or call 911.
Recycle to help protect our *.
Walking to school is good *.
We visited a pencil *.
The Earth's * makes the ball fall.
The ocean is the whale's *.
Can you * all the squares in that group of shapes?
The * on the box lists what's in the cereal.
That corn comes from a * farm.
He called himself to * his phone.
Be sure to * the name of your school.
Leave a * after the beep.
I'm *, but I try to look calm.
Did you * where she sat?
A guitar is a musical *.
She is very * and always gets good marks.
The lion had a * mane.
Is that really *?
The baby was asleep in the *.
Let us * a moment of silence.
Whales live in the *.
The band will * at halftime.
The Earth is our *.
It's hard to * who will win.
We can * many accidents if we're careful.
I'd like to * that we meet later today.
Let's * all the words before the test.
The * of good is bad.
A tiger is a *.
It is a * to be given this award.
Do you * which glass is yours?
You are * for your own actions.
My favorite subject is *.
If there is lightning, don't take * under a tree.
Add * to make it sweeter.
Is it strong enough to * your weight?
We took a * of the class pets.
Keep the dirty plates * from the clean ones.
We must find a * to the problem.
His shoes weren't * for baseball.
They hunt for buried *.
When she finished the race, it was a great * for her.
Put everything in the * and pull it up the hill.
The bride wore a white gown at the *.
He spoke words of *.
The * storm destroyed the house.
He had a * to explain why the apple fell.
Check the * to see how hot it is.
She is * to be here because she is sick.
Let's welcome the * to our school.
We need a * help clean up.