a bate=stop; reduce; decrease
ab jure=reject; renounce; disavow
ab bre vi ate=shorten
ab di cate=resign; surrender; give up
ab er ra tion=oddity; difference; abnormality
ab hor=hate; despise
ab ro gate=repeal; abolish; rescind
ab stain=avoid; refrain
a cer bic=sharp; biting; acid
ac ri mo ny=bitterness; bad feeling; hostility
a cu men=insight; cleverness; sharpness
ad u la tion=praise; adoration
ad ver si ty=hardship; misfortune
aes thet ic=artistic; pertaining to beauty
al le vi ate=lighten; ease a pain or burden
am biv a lent=undecided; uncertain
am i ca ble=friendly; agreeable
a nach ro nis tic=outdated; out of the context of time
an ec dote=story; short, often funny, account
an tag o nist=opponent; foe; enemy
ar id=dry; parched
as sid u ous=tireless; persistent, hard-working
a sy lum=refuge; place of safety; sanctuary
aus pi cious=favorable; lucky; promising
be nev o lent=kind; friendly; helpful
bi as=tilt; prejudice
bois ter ous=loud; rowdy; enthusiastic
bra zen=bold
brusque=curt; rude
ca ma ra de rie=friendship; togetherness; fellowship
can dor=openness; frankness
can ny=shrewd; crafty; clever
ca pa cious=roomy; big; spacious
ca pit u late=surrender; give up
ca pri cious=fickle; changeable; erratic
cen sure=condemn; criticize harshly
cir cu i tous=indirect; roundabout; taking the longest route
clair voy ant=seer; psychic who can predict the future
co gent=reasonable; convincing; rational
col lab o rate=cooperate; work together
com pas sion=sympathy
com pro mise=agreement; meet halfway; deal that settles differences
con de scend ing=snobbish; patronizing
con di tion al=limited; depending on; with reservations
con form ist=follower; going along with convention or tradition
con ver gence=meeting; coming together
del e te ri ous=harmful
dem a gogue=rabble-rouser; agitator; troublemaker
des ul to ry=aimless; random; unfocused
di gres sion=detour; off the main point
dil i gent=hard-working; thorough; dedicated
dis cred it=disprove; dishonor; show to be untrue
dis dain=scorn; look down on
di ver gent=different; moving apart; going in different directions
ec lec tic=diverse; assorted; wide-ranging
e gre gious=bad; awful; appalling
em pa thy=understanding; feeling someone else's feeling
em u late=imitate; follow the example of
en er vat ing=weakening; tiring; draining strength
e phem er al=fleeting; passing; temporary
ev a nes cent=disappearing quickly; not lasting long
ex cul pate=acquit; clear of blame
ex em pla ry=ideal; model of perfection; admirable
ex ten u at ing=justifying; explaining
flor id=fancy; ornate
for bear ance=patience; restraint; tolerance
for ti tude=strength
for tu i tous=lucky; accidental; happening by chance
fos ter=promote; aid; advance
fraught=filled with
fru gal=thrifty
gra tu i tous=unwarranted; free; unearned
hack neyed=stale; trite
haugh ty=stuck-up; conceited; arrogant
he don ist=pleasure-seeker
hy poth e sis=guess; unproven theory; conjecture
im pet u ous=rash; hasty; impulsive
imp ute=assign; attribute; credit to
in con se quen tial=trivial; unimportant; worthless
in ev i ta ble=unavoidable; undeniable
in trep id=brave; bold; fearless
in tu i tive=natural; instinctive
in vet er ate=chronic; seasoned; habitual
ju bi la tion=joy; extreme happiness
lob by ist=influencer; person hired to win over government officials
lon gev i ty=endurance; durability; long-lived
men dac i ty=lies; deceit; dishonesty
mol li fy=calm; soothe
mun dane=boring; ordinary
non cha lant=casual; laid-back; relaxed
ob du rate=unbending; inflexible; stubborn
op u lent=rich; lavish; luxurious
or a tor=speaker
os ten ta tious=showy; flaunting wealth
parched=dry; thirsty; dried out
per fid i ous=disloyal; betraying; double-crossing
prag ma tic=practical
pre co cious=gifted; talented beyond one's years
pre ten tious=affected; self important; snobbish or overblown
pro cras ti nate=delay; postpone
pro sa ic=dull; plain; uninspired
pros per i ty=wealth; success
pro voc a tive=disturbing; inflammatory; intended to excite
pru dent=careful; cautious; wise
quer u lous=grouchy; irritable; prone to argument
ran cor ous=bitter; resentful; unpleasant
re clu sive=hermit-like; withdrawn; solitary
rec on cil i a tion=reunion; agreement; coming back together
ren o va tion=repair; renewal; being redone
re strained=controlled; not free; muted
rev er ence=respect; awe
sa gac i ty=wisdom
scru ti nize=inspect; examine; look at carefully
spon ta ne ous=unplanned; impulsive; without thinking
spu ri ous=false; fake; counterfeit
sub mis sive=meek; obedient; passive
sub stan ti ate=prove; confirm; support
sub tle=slight; faint; small; not easily noticed
su per fi cial=shallow; not going beneath the surface
su per flu ous=unnecessary; excessive
sur rep ti tious=secret; sneaky
tact ful=polite; considerate
te na cious=dogged; stubborn; persistent
tran sient=temporary; impermanent
ven er a ble=respected because of its age; esteemed
vin di cate=justify; prove right; free from blame
war y=watchful; cautious; distrustful